
World Book Day celebration

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  • Date: 23 Apr 2024

  • Time: 10:00

World Book Day celebration

World Book Day celebration – Essay Writing Competition for grades 3 to 12
– The book that inspired me

1. The competition shall be held Class-wise for grades 3 to 12.
2. The students are expected to express their views, emotions and experiences gained through the book.
3. The gist of the story will not be accepted. The essay should be original.
4. The students can write the essay at home in an A4 sheet neatly and submit the same to their House Teachers.
5. The House Teachers shall submit the same to the English Department before 3 pm.
6. Details to be mentioned in the A4 sheet – Full Name with initial, Grade, Section, Name of the Book, Name of the Author. (House name need not be mentioned in order to ensure unbiased evaluation)

Oratorical Contest for grades I and II
Topic: “The book I love”